What is HVAC equipment used for?

HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning. It is a type of system that provides heating and cooling for both residential and commercial buildings. HVAC systems used in homes, stores, factory and even in submarines where they help people to be comfortable in their environment. The HVAC system is now becoming popular in new constructions…. Read more »

Home Electrical Installations

A unique course of its kind, based exclusively on practice, without complications. You will not need to have previous experience; the course will teach you from the beginning to get solid training in everything related to residential electrical installations from the meter that the energy companies install in front of the homes. You will obtain… Read more »

Technical Professional in Electrical Installations

Think about the utility and the economic benefit that it will give you to understand the structure of electrical appliances. It will learn its conformation, and thus it will be prepared to repair them achieving extra gains. FREE Practice Materials Kit! The course includes at no additional charge for the student MATERIALS OF PRACTICE for… Read more »